Tag Archives: district of columbia

Searching for the authority of the IRS

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIAIRS victim John Trowbridge did not take his IRS attack sitting down. He investigated their presumed authority over him (and his property) and started asking for the documentation that obligated him to pay them anything to the District of Columbia Corporation. While he offered many times to pay them once they clarified his status as a US citizen, they were unwilling (or unable) to provide it.

John’s research took him to the same culprit so many of us have discovered: the Federal Reserve. What he didn’t discover is that the IRS is completely apart from the federal government. It is a privately owned for-profit corporation founded in 1933 (same year as FDR’s gold confiscation) in Delaware and headquartered today in Puerto Rico. The IRS is essentially the collection arm of the private Federal Reserve.

Trowbridge explained his journey on Rense Radio on Nov 16, 2015. Here is his story:

John Trowbridge’s web site contains his documents.