December 9, 2010


The DALE, RODNEY Vs UNITED STATES lawsuit, filed in 2009, was aimed at the heart of the de facto government.  Unfortunately (but not surprisingly) the de facto government (USA INC) has elected to ignore this incredibly important legal action.  However, the information and documentation the Class, Weston research team have shared opened the door for another effort to proceed in unison with theirs: the state nullification of the 14th Amendment

“There are 1000 hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root “

-Henry David Thoreau, Walden



The United States ‘government’ is actually a corporation. [1] State, county and municipal ‘governments’ (and agencies) are also corporations and have become part of the federal-municipal corporate franchise system.  This massive corporate structure [2] is founded on commercial/contract/statutory law which does not recognize the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. 

  1. How and when did this happen?
  2. What does it mean to all of us?
  3. What is the ‘endgame’?
  4. Do our ‘elected representatives’ in Washington know about this?
  5. How do we recover our country and our Constitutional rights?


1.     How and when did this happen?

“From its inception, the federal government of the United States of America was created to function as a constitutionally limited federation state. In practical sense, this contracted state is fundamentally an agent for several states of the American union, which had their own Constitutions and their own citizen nationals.” 

“Accordingly, the original federal government—i.e., the United States—did not have nationals of its own. Hence, in a strict sense, a federation state is neither a country nor a nation but is simply a contractually created entity functioning as an agent in certain capacities for the benefit of its creator(s). And the 10th Amendment of the Constitution limited the authority of this federation body.” [3]

There seems to be some dispute as to when the conversion from a Constitutional Republic to a Federal Corporation (USA INC) actually occurred. However, after the Civil War the passage of the Reconstruction Act and the 14th Amendment cemented the Federal Corporation into place giving USA INC control over both the ‘Federal’ and ‘state’ governments. [4]

2.    What does this mean to all of us?

Not long after the passage of the Reconstruction Act and the 14th Amendment, the corrupt Supreme Court gave corporations the same ‘rights’ as live flesh and blood humans in the 1886 Santa Clara vs the Southern Pacific RR decision.

One year after that, the ‘regulatory agency’ era was born with the creation of the Interstate Commerce Commission. But the ‘regulatory agency’ system was never really constructed to protect the public.  It was designed to control competition through onerous government regulations, and help the corporate mega industries. [5] Example: the Food and Drug Administration was created to help advance oil Baron  Rockefeller’s petro-pharmaceutical industry over the popular natural remedies. [6]  Another example of an agency promoting corporate interests over the public’s well being is the Center for Disease Control, which promotes toxic vaccines on behalf of Big Pharma. [7] And possibly the all-time worst example of a government agency working against the welfare of the public is the United States Dept of Agriculture (USDA).  Outrageously, the USDA co-owns the patent [with Monsanto] on the “Terminator Gene”, which means that the seeds have been modified to “commit suicide” after one season, and will not germinate if they are planted in a subsequent season. This technology could potentially wipe out food on the planet in one season. [8] In fact all of the government ‘agencies’ today are listed on Dun and Bradstreet as businesses.

From this corporation foundation the state, county and municipal governments were eventually all incorporated (they are listed on Dun & Bradstreet) as well. All of this resulted in the construction of the Federal-Municipal Franchise system. We are now truly a  ‘Corporation Nation’. [9] Consequently the term ‘public official’ is really a misnomer.

These government/corporations are run as businesses and have their own ‘investment’ funds (CAFR). [10] Collectively these government-corporation investment funds amount to trillions of dollars being invested by their own managers in the Stock Market each year. Their decisions are made solely on rate of return. The good of the people and/or the protection of the environment are not considerations. In fact the investment fund managers invest in corporations that are actually working against local businesses and farms such as: Walmart and Monsanto. [11]

In 1913 the Congress of USA INC turned monetary policy over to an international banking cartel aka the Federal Reserve. [12]

Then in 1933, in response to the bankruptcy of USA INC (caused by the Federal Reserve), President Roosevelt: [13]

  • commandeered the population’s gold
  • turned the population into collateral against the corporation’s debt via the Social Security system
  • Acquired dictatorial powers (Executive Orders) via the War and Emergency Powers Act


We now find ourselves victims to a profiteering for-profit government/business system that taxes, fines, and penalizes us by way of their ability to write and enforce statutes, rules and regulations ad nauseum.  These rules, regulations, and restrictions are frequently in direct violation of the Bill of Rights and the original/organic Constitution.

Our legal system has been converted to a debtor-creditor maritime system which does not recognize common law or the Constitution. The bankruptcy ‘creditors’ (the international bankster) control our currency and our debt-based economy. [14] [15]

And the corrupt ‘elected officials’ in Washington, District of Corporations, shamelessly take bribes from corporations to pass more and more draconian legislation to further tax and restrict us in the name of  ‘commerce’ on behalf of USA INC and the international banking cartel. Since the murder of JFK no President has opposed the banksters.  Former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan openly admitted that neither the President nor Congress has any authority over the Federal Reserve.

3.         What is the ‘endgame’?

The endgame is the international banking cartel’s plan for a one-world government with them controlling the resources and economies of the entire world. If you have read the book 1984 you have an idea of their ultimate goal. Author and former insider John Christian described it as a one world earth corporation run out of London. [16] And turning the United States into a Corporation Nation was an integral part of their long standing plan.  An important step in the implementation of this plan is the ‘federal regionalization‘  of our country (precursor to the North American Union) which was started under Nixon and advanced by Obama.

4.     Do our ‘elected representatives’ in Washington know about USA INC?

Congress was informed in 1967 that the 14th Amendment overrode both the U.S. and state Constitutions and there is evidence of this in the Congressional Record. [17] Then in 1972 a Senatorial Committee researched and reported back to Congress that the office of the President was able to exert dictatorial powers by merely declaring a ‘national emergency’ at will. Since the passage of the War and Emergency Powers Act in 1933 each consecutive president has made such a declaration. [18]

5.     How do we recover our country and our Constitutional rights?

The solution will NOT come from Washington, District of Corporations! Congress has known about these travesties for many years and has maintained the position of willing accomplices. 

Deconstruction of the ‘corporation nation’ is the only peaceful path to recovering a legitimate government that is Of the People, By the People and For the People. 

Since it is on the Congressional Record that the 14th Amendment WAS NOT lawfully ratified by the states [19], the most direct path to the ‘recovery’ of our state governments lies in the hands of our state legislators. They alone have the Constitutional ‘authority’ and obligation to NULLIFY the unlawful 14th Amendment. [20]

Here is a 40 minute audio clip from the Rod Class 12-17-10 TalkShoe program. Rod explains that he is now talking to state legislators who have admitted to him that once they are elected they are told they are working for a ‘corporation’.

Rodney talked about state legislators repealing the following – in order to recover their nation state Constitutional du jure status:

  • The Banking Law of 1863
  • Reconstruction Act
  • 14th Amendment
  • Federal Reserve Act
  • Bankruptcy Act
  • Trading with the Enemy Act
  • War and Emergency Powers Act

State legislators also need to pass legislation creating State-owned banks.  As Bill Bradbury, candidate for Governor or Oregon, said:

“It is time to put Oregonians back to work. It is also time to declare economic sovereignty from the multi-national banks that in large part are responsible for much of our current economic crisis. We can achieve these two goals by creating our own bank.”

See: Campaigning for state-owned banks

It is up to We the People to lobby each state legislature ‘relentlessly’ until they meet their obligations. Things will only get worse (like the TSA controlling air travel and SB 510 controlling all food production) and corruption will continue to flourish until they do!! And unless state legislators WAKE UP, the ‘federal regionalization’ (that has been done by Executive Orders – not by Congress) of our country will move us closer and closer to a North American Union structure, thus making state legislators (and our entire state government) obsolite.  This of course would bury the U.S. (and state) Constitution making way for a new ‘agreement’, that has already been proposed, called the New States of America.


[1] USA INC.

[2] The Corporation Nation

[3] Our ‘State-National’ Status – information from the People’s Awarenes Coalition

[4] More Proof our Government is De Facto . . . not De Jure

[5] Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing: ICC established in 1887

[6] Forbidden Cures

[7] CDC: Network of Corruption

[8] Food and Depopulation

[9] Corporation Nation

[10] CAFR1

[11] Corporation Nation

[12] The Federal Reserve is a Privately Owned Corporation

[13]  The Truth About the United States Government Bankruptcy and National Emergencies!
Roosevelt Turns up the Heat
“U.S. citizens are the collateral for the Federal Reserve Notes in circulation. When the government declared bankruptcy, all commercial activity, and the U.S. citizens themselves were pledged as collateral to pay off the debt.”

[14] Who is Running America

[15] James Traficant: The Bankruptcy of the United States

[16] One World Earth Corporation

[17] Congressional Record June 13, 1967

[18] War and Emergency Powers Act

[19] The Unconstitutionality of the 14th Amendment

[20] Nullification, A Constitutional History

13 responses to “STATE RECOVERY

  1. Pingback: STATE RECOVERY – New Human New Earth Communities

  2. Pingback: THE ONLY WAY TO DECONSTRUCT THE CORPORATION NATION (the de facto government) IS AT THE STATE LEVEL – New Human New Earth Communities

  3. Pingback: THE ONLY WAY TO DECONSTRUCT THE CORPORATION NATION (the de facto government) IS AT THE STATE LEVEL – New Human New Earth Communities

  4. Pingback: THE ONLY WAY TO DECONSTRUCT THE CORPORATION NATION (the de facto government) IS AT THE STATE LEVEL – New Human New Earth Communities

  5. Pingback: From De Facto to Recovery STATE RECOVERY – New Human New Earth Communities

  6. Pingback: USA INC – exposing the thieves who stole our government – New Human New Earth Communities


  8. Documents of surrender after the civil war said nothing, about nothing, involving nobody, because the language used in the documents are fraudulent. All contracts, trusts, and declarations of nations are of this manner. All federal judges now know this, and all legal documents as learned by lawyers studying articling, use nothing but verb adverb in their language. They all know that no law or fact, can be tried in any court of law. The language is completely flawed and all such documents are void, to those who are trained in quantum parse syntax grammer math interface.The correction of mortgage documents once syntaxed, was the cause of the mortgage crisis of 2008. All commerce is based on flawed language, since the time man began using such means, instead of adhering to the spirit of all agreements by an honesty of the heart and a handshake, as it should be, placing one’s word,as having the real value. Such is the correct basis of all activity of mankind, in a world void of evil, unlike this world.

    In physics, it’s known that the power of the spoken word for those in spiritual relationship with G-d spoken in line with the will of G-d, has all the power of G-d within it. It was by the spoken word, by G-d that all creation was made manifest in the first place.
    All the wars are merely for profit to the synagogue of satan since they finance both sides. That these continue to this day in complete public ignorance is the part that’s abominable. The last one over the Magna Carter was between the Germans and the British. In merely a few hours, this document was altered by the quantum parse syntax grammer math interface, rendering war over this document impossible, since it has no imperfection to which it may be subjected, now being absolutely correct by math calculation. People do not go to war, over a math problem, unless they want to appear very stupid over the likes of “what is 2 plus 2 ? This however negates the fact that man is of a dual nature and a pure heat has no lie in the words one SPEAKS, which is how all matters of mankind actually needs to be conducted.. The perfect spoken language (other than tongues in prayer of course) is therefore Hebrew, which has already been re-emerging for many years. It does not even contain any vowels.

    Global commerce was actually overtaken at the birth of the new world dis-order in the late 16th century with Hawaii as the central hub.due to it’s location, upon the takeover of the islands led by the international postal union of Bern Switzerland, which also controls and directs the UN,, though not commonly understood as to which controls which, if you read about it in places like Wikipedia.. Guess who controls this union? The pope. Today, this is Petrus Romanus. He is one of the top positions in the 13 of those that under the adversary control the planet. The right hand position second the the adversary is actually the head of the 13th house of the druidic council, which is the CEO of Earth Inc. The Pindar (meaning;, penis of the dragon) aka Baron Guy De Rothschild.

    More to the point, is that just as preparations are completed for the sweeping global economic collapse, it will be the immediate implementation of this language grammer, which will usher in the mark of the beast system, since no commerce will be effectual without it, and all those who participate in all commerce will find it to come into force by this new global standard, with the focus on the math interface since commerce runs on computer systems, increasingly in the United States especially, as information and communications are the replacing foundation of commerce instead of the bricks and mortar industries on which the west was founded. These have all been replaced by Asian manufacturing financed by the likes of royalty. It has been so efficient that entire cities are built and thousands of warehouses are filled with consumer goods, and millions of cars sit idle, and all of this as the west decays increasingly into total collapse and judgement of G-d.

    Judgement to come include for example; nuclear detonation of New York city. tsunami’s hitting all cities surrounding the pacific rim, to come about by a couple of contenders for destruction, like the volcano on the island of Hawaii, or by another island in the pacific collapsing into the ocean. Medical martial law by presidential order due to the ebola, swine, or bird flu…take your pick. Also by the division of the land of Israel, which once this (false) peace treaty (documented by quantum parse syntax grammer math interface), is enacted, brings the abomination that desolates, and guarantees the division of the US continent along the new Madrid fault which will include further radioactivity due to the number of nuclear facilities in the region of destruction.
    Consider also the death of the gulf loop current as of May 2010, that will cause mass migration from northern Europe, as well as increasing food costs due to a shorter growing season, until the mideast war, or threat thereof, closes the straits of Hormuz as Lloyds of London,(owned by the enemy) will withdraw insurance, and prevent oil from being distributed to the west. This would paralyze the trucking and “just in time ” delivery systems of food to grocery stores, now that the most expensive means of distribution by multinational farming interests have taken over GMO food processing, along with the likes of Monsanto, agenda 21, and codex A. All in all, a lot or reasons to put of food and consumables, as we prepare our souls for an intimate relationship with G-d by way of the son of man, as we learn to SHEMA. Hear and do the will of G-d. Patriotism is an institution of man. No such basis of knowledge from the mind of man, can be the solution to the issue the world faces. How can the mind capable of thought to 180 degrees, compete with the mind capable to 360 degrees? Only by being in relationship with the holy spirit. Then, he whom is within us,by his guidance, can ensure that we can overcome he who is in the world. There is no other way !. .

  9. There is enough info here to keep me researching for several months . I ‘ve heard about a lot of this but could never hit upon what I wanted to know and how it was done . Fabulous site .

  10. What is the ‘issue’ at hand relative to the content and intent of the 14th amendment? It appears to acknowledge citizenship. What have I overlooked?