Tag Archives: banking

What About Usury?


Typical bankster usery terms
Mortgage amount: $100,000
Rate: 6%
Term: 30 years
Total amount paid to bank: $239,400
Amortized payment: $665

Non-egregious pay back terms – still allowing 6% interest
Mortgage amount: $100,000
Rate: 6%
Term: 30 years
Total amount paid to bank: $106,000
Amount of 360 equal int/prin payments: $294

Considering the ‘bank’ has used not one red cent of its own money to make this loan – taken absolutely zero risk – this is not only usury, it is extortion!! (See Credit River Decision)



Norman Jones, Utah State University
February 5, 2010

slavery by currencyThe question of when and if money can be lent at interest for a guaranteed return is one of the oldest moral and economic problems in Western Civilization. The Greeks argued about usury, Hebrews denounced it, Roman law controlled it, and Christians began pondering it in the late Roman Empire. Medieval canon lawyers adapted Greek and Roman ideas about usury to Christian theology, creating a body of Church law designed to control the sin of usury. By the early modern period the concept began to be secularized, but the issue of what usury is and when it occurs is still causing disputes in modern legal and theological systems.


The Greek philosophers wrestled with the question of whether money can be lent at interest. Most notably, Aristotle concluded that it could not. Aristotle defined money as a good that was consumed by use. Unlike houses and fields, which are not destroyed by use, money must be spent to be used. Therefore, as we cannot rent food, so we cannot rent money. Moreover, money does not reproduce. A house or a flock can produce new value by use, so it is not unreasonable to ask for a return on their use. Money, being barren, should not, therefore, be expected to produce excess value. Thus, interest is unnatural.

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War is a racket for the benefit of the banking and oil cartels


“It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.”

ButlerMajor General Smedley Darlington Butler, one of the most colorful officers in the Marine Corps’ long history, was one of the two Marines who received two Medals of Honor for separate acts of outstanding heroism. General Butler was still in his teens when, on 20 May 1898, he was appointed a second lieutenant in the Marine Corps during the Spanish-American War. In the early part of the last century General Butler led assault troops in Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Mexico and Haiti. He was a regimental commander in France during World War I and later served in China. On 1 October 1931, he was retired upon his own application after completion of 33 years’ service in the Marine Corps. Major General Butler died at the Naval Hospital, Philadelphia, on 21 June 1940, following a four-week illness.

“I spent 33 years and 4 months in active service as a member of our country’s most agile military force–the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from second lieutenant to Major General. And during that period I spent most of my time being a high-class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer for capitalism. I suspected I was part of a racket all the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all members of the military profession I never had an original thought until I left the service.”
Smedley D. Butler (1881-1940)

After his retirement General Butler wrote a book WAR IS A RACKET, which begins as follows:

WAR is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small “inside” group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.

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A Web of Financial Fraud and Criminality

January 26, 2012
Ellen Brown, Global Research

Ellen Brown

To the President’s credit, however, he seems to have shifted his position on the settlement in response to protests before his State of the Union address.  In his speech on January 24th, President Obama did not mention the settlement but announced instead that he would be creating a mortgage crisis unit to investigate wrongdoing related to real estate lending.  “This new unit will hold accountable those who broke the law, speed assistance to homeowners, and help turn the page on an era of recklessness that hurt so many Americans,” he said.

The Deeper Question Is Why

Whether massive robo-signing occurred is no longer in issue.  The question that needs to be investigated is why it was being done.  The alleged justification—that the bankers were so busy that they cut corners—hardly seems credible given the extent of the practice. 

The robo-signing largely involved assignments of mortgage notes to mortgage servicers or trusts representing the investors who put up the loan money.  Assignment was necessary to give the trusts legal title to the loans.  But assignment was delayed until it was necessary to foreclose on the homes, when it had to be done through the forgery and fraud of robo-signing.  Why had it been delayed?  Why did the banks not assign the mortgages to the trusts when and as required by law?

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Global Financial Report – interview with Benjamin Fulford (12-29-11)

Benjamin Fulford, former Japanese correspondent for Forbes Magazine, is interviewed on the Sean David Morton Strange Universe radio program and talks about the state of the world economy from ‘where he sits’. Ben is in one of the ‘loops’, regarding efforts being made by some of the world’s most powerful people to restore global economic sanity. There are many now attempting to stop the corrupt international financial gangsters (including the Federal Reserve bankers) and their relentless destructive schemes.

Some of the points made by Fulford:

  • There are two factions of the CIA.
  • There has been a split between the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds.
  • A plan is being implemented to create a Rothschild central bank in Korea.
  • There are two types of finance: parasitical and productive.
  • The Japanese economy has not grown since 1982 because the ‘Americans’ forced them to abandon their model and surrender control of the economy to the Federal Reserve Board.
  • There is evidence that the Fukushima disaster was an orchestrated attack by the global financial ‘elite’.
  • The global financial ‘elite’ (which are global gangsters) wish to create an Armageddon to reduce the population and make those that survive their slaves.
  • The Keenan lawsuit was filed in New York because the Hague is controlled by the Rothschilds.
  • JFK ordered the issuance of Treasury notes – not controlled by the Federal Reserve – which is why he was murdered.
  • The financial system of the West will collapse because there is not enough ‘reality’ to back the dollar. Printing more dollars will eventually fail.
  • Real progress was halted in the 70s so the ‘elite’ could begin implementing their plan of population reduction and eugenics.  [See documentary The Age of Transitions]
  • The current global economic crisis was created intentionally.
  • There will be a lot of hardship in Europe and North America during the first part of 2012. Social upheaval is anticipated and there is a question whether or not the military will side with the general population or the criminal banking cabal that currently controls Washington, D.C. and the Pentagon payroll.
  • Most of Congress has been bribed and has a secret Vatican account. They no longer work for the American people.
  • Ben offers a proposal to eliminate the corrupt Federal Reserve Bank and retake control of the country’s monetary system.

How Fulford got involved with the White Hats


Many of Benjamin Fulford’s discoveries have been substantiated by former banker and author of Crisis by Design, John Truman Wolfe:  The Financial Crisis: the hidden beginning

The ongoing global financial war is reaching its final stages


Benjamin Fulford
Dec. 28, 2011

Multiple reliable sources in three continents are all now reporting that a major breakthrough in the financial logjam is imminent. We can confirm from our own sources (including MI6 and Japanese military intelligence) that a large delegation descended on Washington last week and read the riot act to the Washington D.C. establishment. They have been informed the Federal Reserve Board must be shut down immediately and the new financial system must be implemented or else the United States would be totally cut off from the world. The military is also close to open revolt with more than half of the military supporting a total clean up of Washington D.C., according to a CIA source. The Washington establishment therefore faces a choice between stepping aside and facing a truth commission or else arrest, civil war, chaos and eventual death for all members of the ruling cabal. We believe that sane minds will prevail in such a situation and that a peaceful resolution is imminent. However, it is not over until it is over.

Last week the Chinese were on the verge of helping the US government kill the supporters of the new financial system in Washington until the Japanese government intervened to provide protection. There were then discussions with the Chinese where they were given an explanation of the inner workings of the international financial system. They were also made an offer.

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