Tag Archives: controlled opposition

If it doesn’t work, stop doing it!

This includes supporting non-profit organizations that have failed to achieve their goals . . .  for decades!

By AL Whitney © copyround 2017
Permission is granted for redistribution if linked to original and AntiCorruption Society is acknowledged.

The American Heart Association (AHA) has been around since 1924. They claim they have done research that has saved millions of lives. This is a questionable claim however as they are now promoting ideas that are sacrificing millions of lives. They promote the myth that high cholesterol is the cause of cardiovascular disease and dangerous statin drugs need to be ingested to control it.  See: How statin drugs really lower cholesterol and kill you one cell at a time by Hannah Yoseph, MD. This falsehood has even been incorporated into most cardiac rehabilitation programs across the country.

The American Cancer Society (ACS) has been around since 1913 and according to leading cancer expert, Dr. Samuel S. Epstein, cancer rates have increased dramatically while the organization continues to promote radiating breasts with mammograms and sickening patients with toxic unsuccessful chemotherapy. He exposed this corrupt organization in his book National Cancer Institute and American Cancer Society: Criminal Indifference to Cancer Prevention and Conflicts of Interest. See: National Cancer Institute and American Cancer Society skewered in new book by leading cancer expert

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) was established in 1982. Their stated goals were to improve the safety of vaccines and secure informed consent protections in the United States. Neither goal has been achieved after 35 years of effort. In fact, in 2017 there are more dangerous vaccines being inflicted on the unsuspecting and uninformed population than ever before and drug stores are now vaccinating an unwary public while intentionally withholding information about vaccine side effects and adverse reactions – information they readily have at their finger tips.

Do these three failures have anything in common? Are non-profits neglecting to target the real culprit? Are they serving the purpose of controlled opposition?

The answer is YES to all three questions!

Big Pharma is the common enemy that is sickening us all! Continue reading